Free webinar - 26th of July Operating in a highly demanding environment can add extra pressure for companies when talking about building a comprehensive performance measurement framework and activating the right KPIs. Moreover, being able to find relevant benchmarks and compare performance levels with the ones of one�s competitors in the context of a very inhomogeneous industry can be a real challenge for practitioner.
Key Learning Points:
Identify the industry�s performance level within the electricity utilities;
Enable practitioners to activate new KPIs within their organizations;
Generate added value from a benchmarking initiative.
Main topics covered:
Performance measurement challenges within the Electricity Utilities;
We are inviting you to join us for the upcoming international conference �Strategy and Performance Excellence Conference�, which is taking place in the luxurious Dubai between 7th� 9th ofNovember.
This conference is designed to bring you closer to your business objectives!
The Global Performance Audit Unit (GPA Unit) will soon publish the first research report: Global State of Strategy & Performance Management Maturity. This initiative is addressed to passionate professionals committed to performance improvement.
Take part in our research and complete a self-assessment to share your view on the maturity level of any of the following capabilities:
The surveys consist in 24 statements each, to be rated on a scale from 1 to 5, based on the extent to which they apply in your organization. The statements reflect the best practices, therefore, your answers determine the maturity level of the assessed capability.
Together with the results, optimization tips are delivered directly to you.
The 2nd publication from The Utilities Performance Benchmarking Report Series 2017 is now online!
Key Performance Indicators for Gas Utilities Report supports organizations in identifying popular metrics in the gas utility industry, as well as potential performance gaps. The publication showcases 166 popular KPIs within the gas industry and includes data from 23 companies located in 17 countries worldwide.