Florin Pasnicu


Florin Pașnicu

Practice Areas

  • Copywriting and Journalism;
  • Traditional and Digital Marketing;
  • PR Manager;
  • Communication Advisor.


Professional profile

Florin brought to The KPI Institute proven experience in Communication and social marketing with 12 years of experience in international development projects and international organizations in Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Middle East.

Because of his background and skill set, he has been selected to be the Marketing and Communications Manager and Inbound Coordinator.


Work experience

  • Creating, editing and managing content for online and offline communication channels
  • Cooperating as copywriter with graphic and web designers to create attractive logos, info graphics and presentations
  • Designing and implementing communication and social marketing campaigns
  • Coordinating brand development, ensuring message and style consistency and brand compliance in large and complex projects
  • Tracking performance indicators and using them to create content – success stories, articles – to illustrate project progress

His publications and articles include:

News stories and op-ed pieces for local and international media, including “The Christian Science Monitor”, “The Washington Post”, “The New York Times”, “Financial Times”, CNN, “Liberation”, TV2 Denmark, “Evenimentul Zilei”, “Zig Zag”, “Rondul”.



  • Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society, Specialization in Communication for Development, Malmö, Sweden (Master degree, 2016)
  • Babeș -Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Specialization in International Relations, Cluj-Napoca (Ph. D., 2015)
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, Specialization in Public Administration, Bucharest (Master degree, 2006)
  • Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Int’l Leadership and Economic Development, Cambridge, USA (Executive Certificate, 2001)
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Planning and Economic Cybernetics, Specialization in Economic Cybernetics, Bucharest (Bachelor of Science degree, 1983)