The Data Analysis Certification is an accreditation that endorses you both for the knowledge and practical application of best practices used in analyzing statistical data.
The certification is the result of a complex, experiential learning program that has 3 sections: pre-course activities, core-course exercises and post-course assignments.
You will acquire the tools and skills needed to develop complex data analysis, useful for the processing and interpretation of data and relevant for your company's profile.
Validate your expertise!
Bonus: Premium subscription on - Available for 6 months, providing access to 500 fully documented KPIs and over 20.000 KPIs enlisted and one research report from the Top 25 KPIs series.
The course is designed for anyone who has basic mathematical training and basic competences in using Microsoft Excel. Statistical knowledge, intermediate or advanced knowledge of Excel, practical experience with data analysis and related duties are not necessary.
The course is addressed to Managers, HR Representatives, Analysts, Auditors or Logistics and Acquisitions Experts, as well as to professionals from other business areas, who deal with data analysis.
The course is ideal for those interested in pursuing career opportunities in data analysis, data modelling and related activities (e.g. campaign management, data mining, statistics, risk management, reporting, data processing for survey analysis etc.)
Ágnes holds valuable experience in data analysis, as during both her university and working years she had participated in numerous marketing related research projects where survey based primary researches were conducted and a lot of data were evaluated.
She mainly uses SPSS statistical program to analyze data. She has experience with the following analyses: Chi2 analysis, Variance analysis, Correlation analysis, t-test, factor- and cluster analysis.
Ágnes also deepened her knowledge by teaching interferential statistics as an external lecturer on the university, on economics and business administration faculty, marketing specialization.
As a Business Research Analyst at the KPI Institute she also has numerous possibilities to capitalize her experience in this field.
You can communicate with your instructor through the eLearning forum or by email. You are highly encouraged to use these ways of communications.
Operating Systems: Windows 7 and newer, Mac OSX 10.6 and newer, Linux - chromeOS.
Browsers: You must update to the newest version of whatever browser you are using. We recommend using Chrome, Firefox or Safari, beta versions of browsers are not supported and Internet Explorer is problematic. Please make sure that your web browser has JavaScript and cookies enabled.